India Ink: India’s Budget Targets Women

At a time when India’s commitment to women’s rights is under scrutiny, the government’s annual budget released Thursday proposed a number of measures for women, including increased spending to improve their safety and a bank only for women.

These provisions are part the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government’s broader focus on “inclusive” growth, through collecting more taxes from the country’s super-rich and increasing social spending. Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram on Thursday stressed the need to lift up groups that “will be left behind” unless they receive “special attention,” as he allocated greater funds for programs for women, lower castes and tribes and India’s rural poor.

On Thursday, Mr. Chidambaram set aside 971 billion rupees ($18 billion) for what is known as the “gender budget,” a concept introduced in the 2005–06 fiscal year, which reflects the total spending on programs likely to benefit women. This represents a more than 10 percent increase from last year.

The central government will contribute 10 billion rupees to a fund to provide better security and safety for women, called “Nirbhaya,” or “fearless,” the name used by the media to refer to a victim of a gang rape in Delhi in December, whose death prompted thousands to take to the streets to demand greater rights for women.

“Recent incidents have cast a long, dark shadow on our liberal and progressive credentials,” Mr. Chidambaram said Thursday. “As more women enter public spaces — for education or work or access to services or leisure — there are more reports of violence against them.”

Some women’s rights advocates welcomed the additional resources for safety. “I think it is extremely encouraging and high time that the government moves towards ensuring a focus and priority on women’s issues,” said Pinky Anand, a lawyer in the Supreme Court who has worked on rape and sexual assault laws.

More important than the amount is “the fact that the government has chosen to put these issues on top of the list of priorities,” she said.

Others criticized the government for not doing enough. Jayati Ghosh, a professor of economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, called the sum “peanuts,” dismissing it as a “grandstanding gesture” rather than a serious measure.

“Security of women is a basic responsibility of the state,” Ms. Ghosh said, rather than something that should be addressed with a special fund.

The All India Democratic Women’s Association said in a statement that the scope of the fund remained undefined, which showed that the government was “keen to make a hasty political move to garner the trust and confidence of the women protesters without taking any specific and concrete steps to implement the Justice Verma Committee recommendations.” The group was referring to a report released in January that recommended sweeping changes in India’s police and judicial system.

Mr. Chidambaram also proposed a new state bank for women, which would employ mostly women. The bank, which will start with a capital of 10 billion rupees, will lend to women, women’s self-help groups and women-owned business.

Again, women’s rights activists were divided. Ms. Ghosh called the idea of a women’s bank “almost offensive,” and said the government should give women better access to all banks instead. “It is this ghettoization I have a problem with,” she said.

Ranjana Kumari, the director of the Center for Social Research in Delhi, called the idea an act of “political symbolism.” “Nevertheless,” she said, “it is a good development because this is the first time that women are being formally engaged in the financial sector.”

The budget also allocated 2 billion rupees for programs to combat sexual discrimination, especially in the workplace. On Feb. 26, Parliament passed a bill that aims to prevent, prohibit and punish sexual harassment of women in the workplace, the first comprehensive law on such harassment.

The budget didn’t go far enough, said the All India Democratic Women’s Association, which criticized the government for not dedicating enough money to women’s issues and failing to come up with specific measures to address pressing issues like health care and employment for women.

On Feb. 8, several women’s organizations, including the All India Democratic Women’s Association and the All India Women’s Conference, submitted a report to the finance minister requesting he address certain concerns in the budget, including a rise in violence against women, which they said could be traced back to growing economic disparities.

“The lack of recognition of women’s contribution to the economy and its underestimation are issues that are central to the increasing discriminatory trends,” the report said.

Among their demands were increased spending for the effective implementation of laws protecting women, greater safety in public transport, improved sanitation, the rehabilitation of victims of violence and an allocation of resources for the creation of jobs for women.

The finance minister did not meet with women’s groups despite repeated requests, Ms. Kumari said, and the budget did not reflect their demands.

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